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Chakra energy

To fully understand the sensations and experiences that appear during the use of the essential oils we first have to get to understand the concepts and consequences surrounding light-physical bodies and systems of chakra. By combining this knowledge with our knowledge of our physical body we can get a better understanding of who we are.

By no means can we consider ourselves as a never changing being with just one life. We are eternal beings on an eternal journey expressing our fundamental essence through many lives; expanding our experiences and learning the meaning of creativity. We are the energy that appears in a form of corporeality.

We deposit tiny parts of our light and consciousness into atoms that is our physical form, and into all substances that pass through our digestive system. Every atom travels in its own evolutionary journey. As we continue our journey we radiate more and more light. We expand our horizons, understanding, and our ability to become a part of the process of creation. By understanding the way that we are driven, we gain insight into questions like who and what we are; where did we come from and where we are going. Endless possibilities for the future will open up and we will be free of limitations.



Our spiritual mission in this life is to learn how to balance the energy of our body and soul, our mind and actions, and our physical and mental energy. Above all our body has the quality to heal. Taking into account that energy is inherent to our biological system, every thought, idea or belief that we nourish inside ourselves, every memory that we cherish, is changed into positive or negative direction within our body. We are biological creatures as per the master plan - nothing occurs coincidentally.

Here is the question that we often ask - what is the meaning of life?

Your individuality, same as your body, is only a part of your overall make-up. The same applies to your decisions and your acts. In every moment of your life you make decisions that will form your experiences and everything that you concentrate your attention to. These decisions affect your development. The same applies to every human being. Emotions of fear and violence can be reflected in your individuality. Only your individuality can experience anger, fear, animosity, sorrow, shame, or disappointment. And only individuality can yearn for exoterical intensity and the ability to use it. Your individuality can be full of love, remorse and wisdom but these do not come out from the individuality, these are experiences of the soul.

Your soul is your immortal part, every person has it. But people who are limited by their perception to only five senses (smell, touch, hearing, taste and sight) are not aware of their souls. That is why they are not able to recognise its effects. The soul does exist - without a beginning or end, and it is constantly evolving towards transcendency and integrity. Your individuality is emerging from your soul as a natural force. It is the energy instrument that the soul accommodates, for functioning in our material world. Every being is unique because every configuration, thus set up, of spiritual aspects is unique. This configuration was formed through many of our lives. Our soul exists beyond time. Its dimension is fathom less and its understanding is far above the understanding of the individuality. Souls that have chosen for their evolution a physical experience of life have already many times incarnated its energy into lots of other psyches or physical forms. For every incarnation the soul is creating a different body and different individuality. By that it contributes to the development of the soul by its own style, its ability and by what has to be learned. People (individualities) are souls that try to heal themselves.



As we have mentioned at the beginning, it would be a mistake to think that our body is only a material object. The human being is more than just a physical body. Everyone has a soul and the soul is a product of the mutual functioning of mind and matter. These are products of God's source of energy. The human being also has a individuality (ego) that includes the logical mind, emotions and physical body. In our language we talk about „bodies", accordingly light bodies (outside of physical body) because we can not observe these with normal eyesight.

Bodies do not form individual layers but blend together. Together they create an AURA, which is only visible to clairvoyants. It appears as a colourful cover that is moving around a person. Here, colours of different shades can be seen and they differ at a distance from the physical form. A bigger harmony between bodies means a larger aura.

Before death when life energy is draining away the aura gets much smaller. It is interesting that subconsciously we perceive the aura of other people when we choose where to sit or how close to the other person we can get.


Energy centres or chakras are sequenced according the path of the brain stem and spinal cord. Energies inside chakras rotate in a spiral fashion and are mutually connected.

Disposition of our chakras during our spiritual journey reflects disposition of our energy field. Each one of the main seven chakras has a specific relation to certain glands and organs. The blockage of light-physical bodies can be caused by damage, trauma or unresolved emotional or mental dispositions. This can cause suspension or alteration of the supply of the energy to chakras and thus to the specific areas of the physical body. Holes found in an aura field, in every case until now, showed up in chakras.

Every chakra is also relevant to specific spiritual characters that in their mutual entirety formulates specific effects and targets the entire human being.

Chakras Múladhára (1), Svádhišthána (2) and Manipúra (3) are related to the personality. Anáhata (4), Višuddhi (5) and Sahasrára (7) Chakras are related to the soul. Chakra Ádžna (6) is the negotiator between soul and personality. Personality is the carrier of the soul on this planet. The evolution of the first three chakras is essential to life because it allows full expression of the energies of the soul. As long as chakras are in mutual harmony, they consent and energy is flowing fully and without any obstacles. Our internal system and functioning on this planet is dependant on the energy received and transmitted by chakras.

Every chakra is connected with the zone of the physical body (there are few exceptions). When an imbalance occurs it largely interferes with a bigger number of chakras, but usually one area is afflicted strongly and this is where the problems are located. In today's life many illnesses are related to the lower chakras. Lots of people have problems of the spiritual character, which concentrates in the astral body and becomes evident as a physical illness. Therefore we mainly need to pay attention to the spiritual and emotional areas of the patient.
The more knowledgeable a person is in the separate areas of life, the less chance that stress and impure experiences can create blocks in chakras. More open and active chakras belonging to these areas mean an easier flow of energy.

We can also regard chakras as a modality of the vibration fields i.e. energy bodies. They serve as a receiver for all frequencies of energy and information that connect us with the world of finer energies. Chakras also radiate energy to their surroundings and change its atmosphere. Through them, we can radiate healing vibrations similar to conscious and unconscious messages. This can impact on people in both a positive and negative sense.
Knowledge of chakras can become an invaluable help in self-realisation; foremost to gaining significant pieces of knowledge about ourselves and indulging in fulfilment and enjoyment of life. And that is our common desire.
Our essential mixtures of oils are prepared so they most effectively touch on the spiritual and emotional dispositions of the patient, and they positively influence the dispositions of the individual chakras. They dissolve emotional sediments and blocks in these energy centres. And that is the unique power of the essential oils, the pure natural essences.

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