People need to be touched. Touching is one the most beneficial aspects of the massage. All negative conditions of the psyche can be eased and great relief and unblocking can be achieved by a certain way of using the essential oils during the massage. Pure essential oils have a positive effect on the mental condition of the patient not only during the massage but especially afterwards. Better results of the massage will generally be achieved during the waxing of the moon, when the massage is used for regeneration and vitalizing. The most suitable time for massages that are used for unblocking and removing of cramps and harmful substances is when the moon is waning.
Our composition of the essential chakra oils and the composition of the essential oils according to the principle of the five elements are already consolidated for the treatment of energetic centers.
Please do not add any other essential oils into our mixtures. This would devalue the energy that is stored in our glass bottles.
Significant information is that the essential oil, is formed on the bio-informative base. In principle make sure that you are the only person handling the bottle of the essential oil. Never pass it onto another client
or another therapist.
Essential oils can absorb the energy of all the people that they are in contact with. It can happen that the mixture in the bottle that is handled repeatedly by different people changes dramatically. It is necessary to exchange bottles for new ones. This is the reason for our bottles being stored in the boxes.
The essential oils add placidity and harmony to the surroundings. Mainly, they absorb the energetic prints of the previous clients that have used the massage-table before. A suitable option is to have the essential oil in spray form ready during and after the therapy, hence regularly cleansing the energy in the room.
We recommend the purchase of the whole chakra line of the essential oils starting at the 1st chakra and finishing with 7th chakra. According to the colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Colours organised this way are in accordance with the colours of the spectrum.
Give your client an option to choose one colour of the spectrum, the colour that captivates the client the most and is pleasant at that given time. Let your client involve the heart, not the mind.
Let your client smell the chosen essential oil of the given colour. The fact that this smell is pleasing indicates the area that needs to be tuned. Always apply the scent that reaches out to you client first. Sometimes clients are not sure about the right colour of the essential oil. The scent that they choose first is conclusive.
Mix the chosen oil with the bearing oil (see our offer). Any good quality non-perfumed bearing oil can be used. This guarantees that the energy of the essential oils is not reduced. Our selection of the bearing oils is tuned in a way that is suitable to all sorts of massages. It guarantees the highest quality in order to spread the energy deep.
The proportion to be used on the skin is 1–2% of the essential oil mixed with the bearing oil. In reality it means 3–5 drops of the essential oil straight onto the palm of your hand or straight into the bearing oil. It is for your personal consideration if you wish to use a higher concentration of the essential oils. Every person has a different mental and physical frame or different weight. We cannot guarantee that this proportion of the essential oils and bearing oil will be suitable for every person. It is important to use your intuition and judgement.
Tips for the aroma-therapeutic care during the massage with the help of the chakra oils
1st Chakra – The intimate atmosphere – pelvis area. Affects the area of the edge-bone (coccyx). It stimulates creativity, vitality and the earthy-energy. The energy of this essential oil activates the liver and the production of the red blood cells. When this area is weakened the whole body is diminished. This oil is also suitable during detoxification, it aids excretion, and loosens the activity of the colon. It helps during the common cold and its also good for people that constantly feel cold. Warning – do not use for infections and also do not use on hot-blooded people. There is more information in the leaflet that is the part of the package.
2nd Chakra – Harmonizing mixture – abdomen area, lower back (spleen) and upper part of the thighs. The energy of this oil favourably affects the digestive tract. Its warming power eases convulsions and releases tension. Energy of these oils helps with anxiety – it has an optimistic effect.
3rd Chakra – Antiseptic mixture – stomach area and lower part of thighs. The energy of the essential oil has a calming effect on the pancreas and the spleen. It also activates the lymphatic system and assists with damaged liver. Hereafter it stimulates digestion and inadequate activity of the intestine. It calms nerves and helps during a state of mental exhaustion and brain-fatigue. This oil provides energy and happiness.
4th Chakra – Mixture for relief – chest area, heart and knees. The energy of this oil affects the regulation of metabolism. It helps to ensure the balance between the liver and spleen, and regenerates muscles and ligaments. This is a calming energy; it has a balancing and neutralising effect. It is the energy of hope, harmony, cure and natural maturing.
5th Chakra – Mixture for concentration – shoulder and neck area, also shank and bones. This is the energy of power and deep understanding, faith and commitment. The energy also protects against the negative thoughts of other people. It is suitable for the unblocking of the neck and spine, reduces weight that we carry on our shoulders.
6th Chakra – Mixture against stress – head area, forehead. The energy of this oil positively affects the area of eyes, nose and ears. It releases strain during the mental exhaustion caused by day-to-day responsibilities. The energy depurates thoughts and releases mental pain and overload.
7th Chakra – Mixture to boost spirit – overall relief not only on the mental level but also on the physical one. The meditative energy of this oil affects the cleansing of the blood. It has a very strong relaxing and harmonising composition. It works really well when feelings of overload and despair appear.