Product code: 100105
Royal aura aromatherapy.Owing to their composition the essential oils in this mixture influence activation and excitement of the body, help with tiredness, stimulate the tired brain, increase performance and concentration, reduce headaches. Content: 10 ml.
Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-EXPRESSION
Mixture is appropriate for people with problems of self-expression, poor communication or verbosity.
The mixture helps cure poor concentration; it is great for people that are in constant contact with large
concentrations of people.
The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:
Colour: light blue, also silver and aquamarine
Primary principal: resonance with Being
Declaration for spiritual growth: I am willing to profess the real Me and by that fully participate
in my creation. VIŠUDDHA (5th CHAKRA - THROAT CHAKRA) 21
Parts of the body: neck area (nape), back of the neck and jowl, ears, sensorium of voice, larynx,
upper part of the lungs, wind pipe, pharynx, shoulders
Psychic function of the chakra: The ability to satisfy your own needs, ability to embrace what the
world has to offer. It offers self-fulfilment in sociable and professional life; Realization of your own
involvement in your profession, satisfaction with work.
Nourishes: Respiratory organs, neck, hearing organs, skin.
In Višuddhi is located the centre of people's ability to express themselves, their communication and inspiration. The fifth chakra creates an important connection between the lower chakras and the chakras of the head. It serves as a bridge between our mind and feelings; it stimulates and reacts to these. Through Višuddhi we express everything that lives in us - our laughter and tears; our feelings of delight and love or equally fear and anger; our plans, wishes, thoughts and views; and our perception of the inner world. When energies of Višuddhi are blocked the understanding between „head" and „body" is interrupted. For example, even if our voice is quite strong, our words do not have any deeper meaning. Our speech is unrefined and rough or more „matter of fact" and cold. Višuddhi is a higher centre of creativity.
PSYCHIC EFFECT: SELF-EXPRESSION The impulse from our soul, that is the demonstration of higher Me, enters into the system of chakras through Sahasrára (seventh chakra) the right brain hemisphere. From there it steers down to Višuddhi (the fifth chakra) where it changes into forms of thought. Here the astral body is taking over and expresses with the help of the centre of the heart or solar plexus it depends on - it is a signal satisfying the wish of our soul or individuality. That change is happening in Višuddhi where individuality learns how to use the power of our mental state to our advantage. When the signal from the soul appears in this centre it can lead to problems if our plans are being opposed. The signal stops and returns back through the Sahasrára (7th chakra) and the left brain hemisphere. This can slow down the evolution of our soul and bring conflict to the will of individuality and will of soul and that can cause illnesses in the Višuddhi zone. Children who can not express their feelings become moody and reticent. They do not know clearly what they want to say and feel like those around them respond negatively to all their new ideas. It is very important that in every person of every age, they can freely express their feelings without being in the role of the victim. During the day there should be a room for the members of the family or coworkers to talk not only about facts but also about their FEELINGS!
BODY LANGUAGE „Frog in the throat", stutter when you talk about something unpleasant. An inclination to turn red in the face. People who do not want to accept new ideas or do not like changes, wear clothes that cover their neck, high collars, scarfs or shawls. The zone of Višuddhi includes ears. People that cover their ears while you talk say a lot about their unwillingness to listen.
![]() Magic of Nature - aromatherapy for you - natural essential oils for balancing life energy. |